Tuesday, March 30, 2010

An Article by Buchanan about Facts about the Left.

Patrick J. Buchanan has an article about the actions of the Left, as opposed to allegation about the Right. Good info.


Documented Actions from the Left

On Sunday, March 21, 2010 Speaker Nancy Pelosi, on her way to 'pass' the Health Care Bill, unnecessarily walked with her supporters, through the protestors of the bill. They emerged from the crowd and alleged that Barney Frank was called 'faggot' and that the black congressman had the 'n-word' chanted at them (15 times they allege). Even though there were TV cameras on all news channels documenting their arm-in-arm march, not one camera or recorder of any kind got any evidence whatsoever of these alleged slurs. I'm not saying there isn't a racist or a bigot on the right, there are nutbags in any group, political in nature or not. What I am saying is that these allegations are totally false and that Pelosi and her ilk are trying to stir up anti-right sentiments falsely.

What I plan on doing here and on Facebook is to document the racism, bigotry and lying on the left. Please spread the information you learn here. There are plenty of good sincere people on the left, many of them my personal friends. What I am attempting to correct is the pre-conceived notions that any of this kind of behavior is normal from those on the right.

One of the first things you need to do is to read "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg. It will document for you the truth of many political historical notions.

This first link is documentation of the truth about the egg-throwing that the media blamed on Tea Party supporters.

Next is a link from the National Black Republicans, a history of the racial record of the parties. It is definitely worth your time.

If any actions that are alleged against the Tea Parties are true I will be the first to condemn them, however I haven't seen any yet. On the other hand, proof of violence and un-civil behavior from those on the left abounds. Keep checking on the Guerrilla Conservative blog for more documentation of such.

Please do me a favor and click on my advertisers. It would be greatly appreciated.


Monday, March 22, 2010

A New Platform (if you want my vote)

     I've been meaning to log on and post something new for quite some time but obviously that didn't happen.  I constructed this list of planks (platform) last spring.  I was trying to think of a system of deciding who to vote for in the future and I thought I would need a list of things that a candidate would need to embrace (how's that for a lib-term) in order to EARN  my vote.  First of all, don't forget -- if the candidate is an incumbent then I'm concerned with how they have voted and/or governed in the past, NOT what they say now that a large contingent of the American people have wakened, but what their past actions say to me, the voter.  I'm not saying that they will have to agree with me 100% but that they be an high enough percentage of a solution that I individually have decided is acceptable.  That is an individual decision at which each American will need to arrive.

Plank #1

The U.S. is to remain sovereign in all aspects.  No submission to international law except when dealing specifically with other sovereign nations (historic int'l law).  Never in regards to our citizenry.  No submission to the United Nations in any way.

Plank #2

The U.S. Constitution should be amended with a Balanced Budget Amendment designed to protect the American People and its interests.

Plank #3

The U.S. Constitution should be amended with an Amendment limiting the terms of Members of the House of Representatives and Members of the U.S. Senate.

Plank #4

Overhaul of tax law (FairTax or a flat tax would be acceptable).  FairTax only to be implemented in the event that the 16th Amendment is repealed.

Plank #5


a. SECURE the border(s)

b. Deport ALL illegals (not referring to Mexicans or other Central Americans specifically) - no amnesty = Fairness and Rule of Law re-established.

c. Overhaul quota system. After the uncontrolled flow of illegal immigration is halted we can assess the needs of our nation in accordance with current labor trends thereby allowing many more people in legally from around the world -- in accordance with the needs of and for the benefit of the American people.

Plank #6

Only legislate Constitutional environmental/conservation laws that:

a. Respects commerce - find solutions not simply problems!

b. Respects resources owned by the American people.

c. Respects private property.

d. Take power back for the EPA and establishing DUE Process into the environmental equation.

Plank #7

Begin to create legislation to return power to the several states.  Return to Constitutional principles (I don't mean original only but with 14th Amendment and all others, they too are the U.S. Constitution.)  Illegalize unfunded mandates for example.

Plank #8

In the interest of Plank #7:  Repeal the 17th Amendment.  Causing U.S. Senators to be elected by the people created a slightly more powerful House of Representatives.  It caused our country to go away from the Federalist model, the interests of the States were no longer represented in our system.  That is how the uninformed public have elected themselves so many freebies from the Federal Government, quite often at the expense of the states.

Plank #9

a.  Tie Congressional salaries to national economic performance, thereby making members of Congress shareholders in the interests of our nation as a whole.  I'm not enough of an economics guru to suggest a specific formula but it could contain things such as GDP, Wall Street, Rise and fall of things like national debt, deficits, trade deficits, etc.

b. Members of Congress must return to the private sector after serving.  Within the private sector they may not be employed by any entity over which they received campaign donations (unless they were employed with them before serving).  Furthermore, they may not be employed within any industry governed/regulated by any committees in which they served, and they may not perform as a lobbyist or be employed by any lobbying group. These restrictions will be in force for a length of time equivalent to that which they served in Congress.

c.  All unspent campaign finances will be returned to contributors on a ratio equivalent to (total contributions:contribution of individual contributor).

Plank #10

a. Require ALL legislation to begin with a Constitutional justification a line item #1, and line item # 2 should be a statement expressing the drafter's intent.

b.  During ALL debate the actual drafter (writer or writers) of ALL legislation should be present for Q&A.  The particulars of who/what/when/where and contact information to everyone that had a direct hand in drafting legislation should be available to the public.

Plank #11

ANY candidate that wants my vote MUST be a proponent of repealing unconstitutional legislation, starting with:  TARP I & II (any unspent funds at the time of repeal); Obama's stimulus package (any unspent funds at the time of repeal); Obama's and Pelosi's Health Care "reform" legislation in totality.  

This platform is designed to:

1. Unite

2. Create a U-Turn in America's direction.

3. Address the disease, not the symptoms.

I welcome comments and suggestions.  I want the reader however to keep in mind that my goals with this platform is not to address specifics but to return power to the states and the people in a way that we can begin to address the multitude of issues that ail our Republic.

Thanks for reading,
